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Orbit Bleeping Clean Videos

Orbit gum famously cleans up dirty mouths. So in this social / digital campaign, we let the people of the internet clean up dirty conversations. These videos let people fill in the unnecessary censorship with whatever they wanted, then share them far and wide. Bleep!

orbit bleeping clean videos

Orbit is known for cleaning up dirty mouths. But what about the dirty minds of the internet? We filmed three crazy party scenes, then added some unnecessary censorship. Fans could fill in the bleeps with their own dialog, MadLibs style, to create and share their own hilarious customized videos.

With our Facebook app, the audience could fill in the bleeps with their own words, or randomize with wacky themes like 'Wild West' - plus enter their name to become part of the story.

Here are the videos our audience got to "clean up." *

* A lot of people actually found ways to make them reeeally dirty.